Monday, February 23, 2009

Philip Malloy's Diary Entry

Why did I do it?Wonder what drove me to think of making such a stupid move!Was it because of that Narwin, or because I had stood up for what I thought was right?I mean I should have been right,since so many people were behind me,especially mum and dad......but still...was it the right thing to do?Why did I have to cause myself to end up like this, in a geeky private school with no track team and maybe,no fun at all. I mean, sure my new form teacher is nice and all but, I just feel uneasy.This is all Narwin's fault.If it weren't for her ruining homeroom and English class with all her strict rules and boring lessons,would I have landed in this state?And my friends and classmates,it makes me mad and confused just thinking of them.As their friend, shouldn't they support me in my decision, instead of backing Narwin up, by trying to make me apologise to her?If I had a second chance, I would still not apologise to her.After all I have done,look what has happened to me.Why......Why did it have to end like this......

1 comment:

  1. Because you are a selfish young man who thinks only of himself! That's why it had to end as it did. Mr S
