Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Differentiated Assignment-Linguistic

Well,I guess this is it then.Goodbye Harrison,goodbye teachers and friends,goodbye track... Actually,this past few days I have been thinking about whether I made the right choice. I have caused so much trouble and grief for both the school and I. I really regret this now. Why did I did I start all these anyway.All it took was humming to "The Star-Spangled Banner" in class and a little media here and there and look how much this matter has blown up to.

I guess I really have to apologise to everyone who has suffered because of me.However,I really owe the biggest apology to Miss Narwin.It was because of me that she had to move away to live with her sister.It was me who ruined her career,when all she wanted to do was to let her students learn literature in a fun way.If you are seeing this Miss Narwin,I am REALLY sorry.

Since this has damaged the reputation of the school in a way, I also owe an apology to Dr Gertrude Doane.

Coach Jamison,Mr Lunser, thank you all for your encouragements(in a way).

Well,this has come to an end.Goodbye teachers and classmates of Harrison School,I hope that me leaving will at least bring an end to this entire fiasco.Once again,I am sorry for all that i have done.Will u all ever forgive me?


Coach Jamison:
Hey there sport,what a waste your leaving.You could have been a real great athlete,could have even made it to the Olympics!Too bad now man.You should have just asked Narwin for extra assignments or something.Now you have wasted your talent.Nevertheless, you have got to continue your training on your own.Never give up like the fighter u are OK?
Your coach,
Coach Jamison

Miss Narwin:
Guess it is all too late now Phil.However,it is better late then never for you to realise your mistakes!I'm doing fine here by the way.Hope you will do fine in your new school,even though there is no track for you to join there.Well,that's all I have got to say to you,good luck!
Your teacher,
Miss Narwin

Superintendent Albert Seymour:
Do not take this the wrong way but I am really grateful for you to be leaving Harrison School.As you know,we have been having some troubles with the school budget and this recent media scandal is definitely not helping.Nonetheless,good luck with your new school.
Albert Seymour

Mr Lunser:
Hey there funny guy,how life?What a waste for you to be leaving Harrison,I was starting to like you!We already starting to miss you around here!What a brave act of patriotism you showed there eh?Too bad it wasn't real.I know you will do great in your new school!Stay happy okay?
Your chum,
Mr Lunser

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Concluding Term 1.....

In all,this has been a refreshing new term for me, mostly due to what I am doing now,blogging!Since this is my first time blogging,I have many new questions regarding it.However,since it is not really related to my topic of this post,I shall not elaborate further on it,maybe next time on a separate post =].

Now on to my nest point,what I like and dislike about it...Basically,this has been a very enjoyable experience. Sure,this has enabled me to post my feelings and thoughts on an electronic platform,which come to think of is quite cool,however there are two faces to a coin.I'm sure some of you would agree that this is somewhat personal to you and(shock!)it is actually public to everyone!Not that people besides my classmates or my LA teacher know that I have this blog,but,there is still this sense of insecurity that someone,somewhere is looking at all the blog posts that have been published.That aside, I cannot help but admit that I have almost forgotten all about the RBP,which my class created to ensure responsible blogging.This means that we have to be very careful when we are blogging,including not revealing stuff about yourself.(Remember why I keep writing"my LA teacher"instead of just writing his name??)

Now here are some suggestions on how to improve this whole process......I have no suggestions.Besides limiting people who can read my blog,I really have no suggestions to contribute!At least,what I meant was useful suggestions.

Last but definitely not least, the relationship between my reading habits and my electronic bookshelf.Obviously,the books that I place on my electronic bookshelf are those of which I have read and like.Likewise,whatever I posted for my reading habits post should be given a place in my electronic bookshelf,although this might not always be the case. What we post on our electronic bookshelf is also somewhat linked to our.....interests and at times,our personality!Being a lover of crime and mystery stories does not mean that I would like to be a detective or even a criminal in the future!(okay,i am getting too side-tracked here...) However,this I feel is definitely linked with ones interests.I guess they are connected through ones interests.Guess this concludes this post,the final blog assignment of term 1!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

School Holidays!Fun,Fun and more Fun!

Hallelujah!The school holidays are just 2 weeks away from now!(w00h00!!)Finally a breathing space for me(and maybe everyone else=])Wonder what I shall do then....0_o

Well before that,I still have this camp to attend.I could still remember the last camp I went to.I was 11and to me,the camp was quite disastrous..(never liked camping anyways...)call me a pampered guy but I'm not going to change my opinions about camps!=P Wonder if I should discuss about that experience..maybe some other day since this entry IS about the SCHOOL HOLIDAYS!!!

The day immediately after the camp,I would be going back to my old school for a old boys tournament(wow I feel so old..-_-),held in conjunction with the inter-class of the primary 5's.I wanted to go for the tournament with a few of my p6 class's friends(not meaning to brag here but they were the champions for our inter-class that year!Too bad I was not in...=D)In the end,I realised that I had something on and that I could not make it for the match,however,I could make it at night for the buffet and the a screening of a match.(YAY!)

That aside,I have nothing else planned for the holidays...just the 3 R's.REST,RELAX and REVISE!!